
Hi and for the love of god hello               LAKE'S BLOG 🔥            I use they/them :)         I didn't even figure out how to code this part I copied it from someone else -_-       Hope you like the website         If you do lmk why it'd mean alot to me          It's really nice out today         I should go outside                     Bye                                                             Hi and for the love of god hello               LAKE'S BLOG 🔥            I use they/them :)         I didn't even figure out how to code this I copied it from someone else -_-       Hope you like the website         If you do sign the guestbook it'd mean alot to me          It's really nice out today         I should go outside                     Bye      

I'm Lake! this is my admittedly amateur made webbedsite, I just kind of mess around here but It's cool if you stay. Happy pride fyi! If you are queer remember I love and appreciate you always

You can chat with me here!

Have a nice visit and take care!

You are visitor number

Last time anyone was normal

To Do List

  • 09/05/24:New guestbook RIP 123guestbooks
  • a/long/time:Made the angel and made it the homepage
  • 21/04/24:Added an actual to do list and relinked tumblr
  • 19/04/24:Made Spike's place
  • 13/02/24:Added central playlist instead
  • 06/02/24:Added tamaNOTchi
  • 04/02/24:Added playlist for scrap + home
  • 03/02/24:Formatting changed
  • 03/02/24:Poll added
  • 03/02/24: Scrapbook + calender buttons added
  • 11/12/23:Scrapbook made. not sure why
  • 15/01/24:Added moon tracker
  • 14/01/24:Changed blog background
  • 19/12/23:Added titles all over the place on home
  • 19/12/23:Fixed the playlist error caused by melting vibes being taken off of yt, everyone say thank you @underratedlyricals1093 from!!
  • 17/12/23: Added icons to home/blog/test (courtesy of Noelle :3)
  • 16/12/23:Added the lil 'always under construction' thing (accurate considering this updates box exists)
  • 14/12/23:Added comment section
  • 14/12/23:Added neighbours buttons
  • 14/12/23:Added end of blog posts
  • 14/12/23:Added site warning

  • And yet, we perservere.

    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.
    And yet, we perservere.

    Quote of the day is:


    Welcome to earth kid, first genders free but after that you gotta pay.

    My neighbours ^U^

    Noelle's button Phant's button nerds site Spike's button

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