Hi and for the love of god hello               LAKE'S BLOG 🔥🔥            I use they/them :)         I didn't even figure out how to code this part I copied it from someone else -_-       Hope you like the website         If you do lmk why it'd mean alot 2 me          It's really nice out today         I should go outside                     Bye                                                             Hi and for the love of god hello               LAKE'S BLOG 🔥            I use they/them :)         I didn't even figure out how to code this I copied it from someone else -_-       Hope you like the website         If you do sign the guestbook it'd mean alot to me          It's really nice out today         I should go outside                     Bye      

sprite of kris dreemur from deltarune sitting Arcane season 1 poster picrew of me (bald mixed guy with wings) captioned 'that's me, lake!'
open window with a portal inside
tv switching through various gifs old computer